Who are Water Plus?
We’re the trusted water retail partner for over 360,000 customer accounts for organisations throughout England and Scotland. From supermarkets to multinational manufacturers, national chains to corner shops, the public sector to charities, we support organisations of all sizes across all sectors with their water accounts. And we’re award winners for our work that’s helping our customers to save water and lower their environmental impact, too.
What we do
We make managing your water account easy, so you don’t have to worry about it – and ensure that you pay the best price for water retail services. Why? Because whether it’s just for tea and toilets, or for a critical part of the production process, we know water is essential for every organisation. Water efficiency, water account management, billing, payments, meter reading – we make it all straightforward with:
- great digital services, - everything you need to keep up-to-date with your account is online
- industry leading water efficiency and sustainability advice to save you water and money
- excellent customer support
As the UK’s largest water retailer, formed in 2016, we have a wealth of knowledge, experience and customer insight to share - all from our offices in Stoke-on-Trent and Glasgow.
How we'll help you
Partnering with us is about more than just your water account. We want to share our wealth of knowledge, experience and customer insight in saving water and show how that can cut your water and energy costs. We’ve installed hundreds of data loggers, including 450 in 2021 - they’re helping businesses to keep track of their water use, where it’s wasted and saving our partners thousands of pounds. With data loggers, we helped a university find £50,000 of savings and a 1,750 litre per hour hidden leak, that we helped to fix. Our expertise saved the Caravan Club £172,900 a year, Euro Garages £25,000 a year and identified £500,000 of savings for North Lanarkshire Council. And that’s just to name a few, but it’s not just the big organisations we help. For a local scout and guide group in Stoke-on-Trent, we’ve installed water-saving kit on site and shared water-saving tips, so they can spend more of their funds on the children. We've also researched employee attitudes to water at work in both the private and public sector to raise awareness and get people thinking about water.
What our customers say

BAE Systems PLC
Tom Barton, Indirect Procurement Services
"Our great relationship with Water Plus has already delivered significant results and we were happy to team-up with them again and renew our contract for all of the BAE Systems portfolio. Their expert knowledge and support has been superb."

Kirsten Denton, Group Procurement Category Manager
"Our great partnership with Water Plus and work together in recent years, meant we were happy to move all our Biffa sites to them in England and Scotland. And we renewed with them again."

Linlithgow Rugby Club
Ken Richardson, President
"Thanks Water Plus for helping us towards our sustainability goals and reducing our water costs in the future. Great customer focus!"
Our awards and recognitions

Water Industry Awards
Recognised as industry leaders by being the only water retailer to be a Finalist, in 2024, for Water Efficiency Project of the Year and the only water retailer to be Finalists, in 2023, for the Net Zero Engagement Award in the Utility Week Awards. We were also shortlisted for Water Retailer of the Year, Customer Initiative of the Year and Water Efficiency Project of the Year in the Water Industry Awards 2023. We’re the only water retailer to be shortlisted in 3 categories in the Water Industry Awards 2023 – and the only water retailer to be shortlisted for 3 categories two years in a row (2022 and 2023), including Water Retailer of the Year, in these.

National Sustainability Awards
Winners - 2 categories
Award for our work with customers around Water Reduction and our support for projects helping carbon prevention and carbon capture. Also, shortlisted in 2023 for Water Conservation and Carbon Reduction – and in 2022 for Team of the Year and Transformation categories.

International Green Apple Environment Awards and Green World Award
2024 & 2023 global gold award winners for water management and winners in 9 categories since 2021
For helping organisations cut water waste and impacts on the environment and for raising awareness around water use and proactive water management. 2023 saw our first Green World Environment Award, amongst just 30 UK organisations recognised. 2022 wins included our work in partnership with organisations in the UK and supporting peatland restoration in the UK.

British Chambers of Commerce Business Awards
Winners for Workforce development and Green Business of the year in the Planet Saver Category, in 2022, in the West Midlands Region.
Finalists – Responsible Business of the Year 2024 and Finalists Sustainability and Environment 2022 and Employer of the Year 2022 in Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce Business Awards. Commended Finalists for Digital Transformation 2021 and Science, Technology and Innovation 2021.

UK Customer Satisfaction and Innovation Awards 2023
Winners in two UK national customer awards
We won the UK Customer Satisfaction Award for Sustainable Customer Service in 2023, presented by the Institute of Customer Service, for our work with customers and employees - and we won an Innovation and Transformation Award, in The Forum Awards 2023, which champions and recognises best practice in customer operations.

EcoVadis Sustainability Rating
Top 25% Worldwide for CSR – 2022-2023
For the fifth year in a row, we've secured the EcoVadis Sustainability Rating. We’re ranked in the top 25% of companies across the world for our approach to Corporate Social Responsibility.

Better Society Awards 2024 and 2023
Winner of the Communication and Education Award in 2024. Finalists at the Better Society Awards 2023 including for the Environment Award, Impact Company of the Year, Communication and Education Award, Carbon reduction or Offset Award and National Commitment to Skills and Learning. We’re the only water retailer to be shortlisted for 7 awards in 2023 and to be Finalists in 5 categories at the Better Society Awards 2022, which included: Environment Award, Supportive Employer Award, Communication and Education Award, Carbon reduction or Offset Award and Transformation Award.
Our sustainability partners
Saving water matters hugely to us here at Water Plus and that’s not just because it’s a scarce resource. It also plays a key role in achieving sustainability goals – another passion of ours, which we share with:

Strides we're taking on CSR and sustainability
We’re proud of our Net Zero ambition and Cleaner Climate Promise. We’re taking action to reduce our carbon emissions and impact – while supporting renewable energy projects and innovation. We’ve been recognised with awards for raising awareness around water and our water efficiency approach, too.