Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Here's a little about some of the steps we're taking

We’re proud of our Net Zero ambition and Cleaner Climate Promise – and we’re taking additional actions to reduce our carbon emissions and impact – while supporting renewable energy projects and innovation. We’ve been recognised with awards for reducing carbon emissions, along with raising awareness around water and our water efficiency approach, too. 

We care about protecting and enhancing the environment and communities we work in. We engage with the community near our offices and each year raise money for local charities. 

In 2024, we’re supporting more projects that capture greenhouse gases and prevent carbon emissions, after supporting renewable energy projects and planting of 250 extra UK trees in 2023. It follows supporting 500 trees in the UK, in 2022, with each one “buddied” to a renewable energy project, including hydropower and solar panel farms, that have prevented 500 tonnes of carbon emissions*.

So far, we have:

  • Helped Eco-Schools’ work, in the UK, in 2024 – and planted trees at an NHS Trust site – and a Glasgow school and another in Cumbria, sharing water-saving advice with the schools too.
  • supported around 326 square metres of peatland restoration in 2024, in Scotland - after supporting peatland restoration in 2021, to prevent 400 tonnes of greenhouse gases being released in the UK, verified under the Peatland Code.
  • started a partnership with Trees for Cities, increasing trees in the UK in 2022, along with funding 1 hectare of new native woodland, through the Woodland Trust and creating 2,023m2 of woodland, by backing The National Trust’s Plant a Tree fund.
  • made changes at work – including launching Electric Vehicle and Cycle to Work schemes for employees in 2022, to encourage greener transport use - and providing everyone with reusable cups at our business. Our main office site has electric car charging, recycling points throughout our offices and we have regular communications on reducing environmental impacts, to name but a few.
  • and, as part of our engagement with organisations to increase water efficiency and reduce impacts we can all have, we are Green World Ambassadors in 2024, with 100 extra trees being planted to mark this - after first becoming Green World Ambassadors in 2022 and again in 2023.

In 2023, Water Plus contributed towards Seawilding’s core operating costs to help their team develop seagrass and native oyster restoration projects for the UK. The charity works to restore the natural seabeds, which helps store carbon from the atmosphere, along with supporting biodiversity. Through helping with the charity’s core costs, Water Plus is helping enhance biodiversity in Loch Craignish, Argyll, in Scotland, and supports the monitoring and surveying that goes alongside the seagrass and oyster restoration work.

We’ve helped Eco-Schools’ work in the UK, supporting its educational programme to empower children and drive sustainable change by improving environmental awareness, increasing pupils’ skills and create carbon savings for schools. The support will help schools working towards their Green Flag accreditation, in 2024, along with educational resources and support.

In 2024, the Ocean Conservation Trust’s purpose-built seagrass cultivation lab in the UK has been supported, along with seagrass restoration - helping additional seedlings to grow to create 83 square metres of seagrass meadow. It’s part of the collaborative Blue Meadows Approach, by the charity, its biggest ground-breaking and most ambitious project to date in this area, to restore 50 hectares of seagrass meadows, near UK coastlines, during the next 10 years. Seagrass meadows combat climate change by absorbing and storing huge amounts of carbon, The Ocean Conservation Trust said.

We review our Environmental Policy each year and publish yearly updates under the Cleaner Climate Promise.

And of course, we’ll continue to help all our customers with ways to save water and save energy. There’s more information about things to keep in mind with water for organisations on our Help section and on our water efficiency pages.

*Carbon Footprint Ltd retired Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) credits for 925 tonnes of CO2e in 2023 and VCS credits for 500 tonnes of CO2e, in 2022, which have been prevented through Water Plus’s support of the renewable energy projects, in recognition of emissions linked to us as a water retailer. The VCS credits, that Carbon Footprint Ltd can provide, meet requirements under the BSi's PAS 2060 guidance on carbon neutrality.** The 400 tonnes of greenhouse gases being prevented is the equivalent of the emissions linked to Water Plus for the 19/20 and 20/21 financial years, as stated in the Water Plus Group Accounts.

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