
What's our cookie policy? We can tell you right here.

Cookie Policy for Water Plus Group Limited, Water Plus Limited & Water Plus Select Limited.

Cookies are small text files that are sent to and stored on your computer, smartphone or other device when you visit a site. Cookies are useful because they allow a site to recognise your device. We use several different types of cookie, which we call "essential cookies", "functionality and performance cookies" and each one works in a slightly different way.

The cookies we use are completely safe. In fact, many of them are used purely to provide important security features like protecting your data and your accounts.

We use cookies to safeguard your privacy when you're browsing our website. We also use them to let you use online forms. If you leave a secure session window open when you're logged in to your Water Plus account, we use cookies to enhance your security by prompting you to end (or automatically ending) your secure session.

The cookies we use cannot look into your computer, smartphone or web-enabled device and obtain information about you or your family or read any material kept on your hard drive.

Our cookies cannot be used by anyone else who has access to the computer to find out anything about you, other than the fact that someone using the computer may have visited a certain website. Our cookies do not in any way compromise the security of your Water Plus account.

The only time we use cookies to share personal information, like your name, address, telephone or email, is when you have given us express permission to by applying for a product or service.

Cookies can also allow us to tailor the content of our website to suit you.

Want more information on cookies? Look here:

Essential cookies – Personally Identifiable Cookies

We may store essential cookies on your device. This type of cookie does not collect information about you that could be used for marketing or tracking, but is used to enable essential functionality of our site in response to your actions when you visit it. For example, ensuring you can move between pages on your Water Plus account securely.

We need your permission to store any other type of cookie on your device.

Functionality and performance cookies – Anonymous Cookies

Performance cookies allow us to see how our website's being used, so we know which pages people are looking at - it's totally anonymous but means we can make our site even better. Functionality cookies make our website more helpful to you by remembering your preferences and settings.

We never use the data gathered through cookies to contact you via post, email or phone. We might use cookies to show you subtly tailored content on our site or other websites, but only ever products and services we think you'll be interested in. You'll never see advertising on our site from anyone other than the Water Plus group of companies.

We use 'analytics' cookies to help us make our website better for those who visit it regularly. They help us work out what users like and don't like and how we can improve things for you.

We only use cookies from third parties in order to provide our customers with Water Plus products and services. The only time cookies would enable us to share personal information such as your name, address, telephone or email is when you have given us express consent to pass it on to a trusted third party.

When we include links to third party websites, please bear in mind they'll have their own privacy and cookie policies. We recommend you read their policies as we're not responsible or liable for their sites.

To ensure we can provide suitable content to meet our customers' needs, all cookies have to be enabled if you want to access your Water Plus account.

While browsing our public website, you can choose to opt-out of tailored content cookies. However, when you log on to your Water Plus account all cookies will need to be enabled in order to ensure we can provide suitable content to meet your needs.

If you wish to opt out of all cookies for this website and any other website, you can do this through your browser settings. Your browser's 'help' function will tell you how to do this.

However, please remember that cookies are often used to enable and improve certain functions on our website. If you choose to switch certain cookies off, it is likely to affect how our website works. For example, if your browser is set to disable 'session' cookies, although you will still be able to view our public website, you won't be able to log on to your Water Plus account.

To amend your preference for tailored content cookies, please use the 'Manage your cookie preferences' page on the website.

More information about how to disable cookies, visit

JavaScript is required to manage your cookie preferences. If your browser has JavaScript disabled, tailored content cookies will be disabled too. To manage your cookie preferences and experience an optimised version of our website, make sure your browser has JavaScript enabled. Depending on which browser you're using, this function is usually found under 'tools', 'options' or 'preferences'.

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This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience, these are broken down to essential and non-essential. Learn more